



0 Musicians


Biljana Webb 
Your Frog Hollow host & practising visionary artist, intuitive, sound healing and ceremony. 
Working with Sound explorations for over 24 years in diverse modalities , mindful meditations and in intentional collaborative sound  experiences~
Offering private & group sound healing sessions and mentorship program.
For Group SondBaths and Sound Ceremony experiences, please refer to upcoming news and Soundscapes page on this site.



Peruvian Elder and sound healer Tata PEPE MENDOZA LOLI

Pepe Mendoza Loli is a musical alchemist who shares healing musical sounds with groups and individuals. Rooted in traditional modalities that he has been engaged with for decades, Pepe’s deep gratitude for the beauty and wonder of life is expressed in his work and play, which currently takes the form of musical offerings. 


Born and raised in the forest village of Pucalpa, Peru, Pepe first started to play music during his youthful travels around Peru and neighbouring countries of Ecuador, Columbia and Bolivia.

He continued playing various pre-columbian flutes, first in Europe, and then around the world accompanying Japanese musician Kitaro san and his group giving Pepe a more expansive vision for the sonoric and musical potential of this art. 

Pepe then spent some 20 years playing music in a variety of contexts for and with traditional communities in Mexico and first nations communities in the USA and across Canada. He then spent a few years in Europe visiting many countries, continuing to develop his own musical texture using a variety of hand-made instruments including some that he made himself. 

Pepe returned to Canada and deepened his musical process doing sound healing with his unique form of MUNAY (heartfelt ) musical offerings. He continues to lovingly share his music with people and the natural surroundings.
Visit PEPE’s home page at: www.pepemendozaloli.com 

Meet Pepe at the upcoming Soundscape Performance, dates to be confirmed…

Whiring Wisdom @ Divine Play STUDIO  

Gaby Thibaudeau

Gaby is traveling from Montreal to Frog Hollow with Pepe Mendoza Loli, for a

collaborative Soundscape and

offering a Karinding Workshop prior the Soundscape. Dtaes To be confirmed.

For more information on Gaby and the workshop visit upcoming Home page News & Saundscapes

Gaby Thibaudeau
Gaby has been playing percussion since she was a child attending a music-specialised school where she learned to play the xylophone. 
 As a teenager and young adult she focused on playing african hand drums. Later she joined a Japanese Taiko group before receiving a scholarship to study traditional Balinese percussion ( gamelan) at Indonesia's national art school ( ISI Denpasar) in 2008/09.
 During her studies there, Gaby travelled to West-Java where she was initiated into tradtional Sundanese wisdom practices playing the Karinding and Cilempung in traditional ceremonial contexts which she continues to this day. 
 After returning to Canada, Gaby recorded an album with Pepe Mendoza Loli in 2012 entitled Suara Selva designed to bring wellbeing. 
 Pepe and Gaby have been playing music together for small gatherings ever since whenever Gaby is in town, as Indonesia has been her adopted home for the last 10 years. 
 In 2023 Pepe and Gaby recorded another album together entitled Munay Taki to bring joyfull healing to one and all. 
 More recently Pepe and Gaby have developed a new repertoire of musical compositions on a variety of rare instruments infused with the sacred spirit of nature's beauty. 



Canadian Sonological Researcher Campbell Foster is a sound therapist, health and life coach, electronic music composer, performer, interactive systems designer, educator and inventor of two sound therapeutic instruments; the Electro-acoustic Sheet Metal Feedback Phone, and the CREATION SPIRIT MACHINE.

Campbell studied Electronic Music with Anne Southam at the RCMT in 1975, and at York University to earn a special honours degree in Electronic Music, Composition and Computer Science.   Campbell was Music Director of Computer Music Research for Canada’s own Mcleyvier CMI (1982-86).  

Campbell’s Sonological Research Directive is to discover and research the methods, aesthetics and results of Electro-acoustic and Computational Feedback Synthesis, connecting through performances, recordings, and videos.

To interactively deliver and impart the Sonological Research concepts, methods, techniques and discoveries of Feedback Synthesis through a ‘Research Blog RS7’ https://campbellfoster.ca, sound & media works, field instrument installations, exhibits, lectures, and performances for the scientific, and aesthetic communities.  Currently developing a course on the feedback synthesis method,  and knowing the Energy of Creation.

 Meet Campbell at the upcoming collaborative Saundscape events

Whirling Wisdom @ Divine Play Studio


Guess who "hopped in"?

David is playing old favourites on saxophone and clarinet in a relaxing free range jazzy style. 

You may meet him at  the featured Tea Parties and other event happenings.


SpiralGate of Art and Wellbeing

18378 Highway 118, Tory Hill, ON 
 E-mail your attendance: birthingstar@gmail.com