



0 Wisdom Keepers

Biljana Webb is the Visionary Artist, Intuitive and Creative Founding Director at Whirling Wisdom Studio and Frog Hollow Art Experience. She is a certified lead artist educator from an establish artist program at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto. Who practices multidisciplinary art forms, Sound Healing & Ceremony. She offers diverse “hands on” skilled oriented art workshops” also private and group intuitive session; and leads in a mentorship programs for the one interested in pursuing Sound as Medicine. 
For Intuitive Sessions & consultations visit “SERVICES’ page on this site. For Artist biography visit ‘Studio & Retreats’ page. 
Martin Millen~ 

Martin Millen is a First Nation Traditional Healer and Lodge Conductor. Martin come to Frog Hollow in 2023 in a collaborative initiative with Earth Dance Studio and Whirling Wisdom Studio for manifesting of the four sacred canvasses that present “Reconnecting to Nature Through Spiritual Teachings and Sacred Geometry of the Sweat Lodge”.The four 5’x5’  acrylic paintings are titled: “The Earth World”, “The Human World”, The Spirit World”, and “The Sky World”. These paintings, otherwise known as “sacred hoops”, are as a teaching tool to share Ojibway oral knowledge of the four races coming together at the sacred fire. We recognize this being the “8th Fire”. Each of the four races were given two gifts each. As humanity has reached a crossroad, we are asked to bring these eight gifts together to create One Great Nation. The gift of the Red Nation is to carry the Earth and Spirit knowledge. It is through the Sweat Lodge that the Red Standing People communicate this understanding. Martin is utilizing these paintings to communicate sacred knowledge, to develop cross-cultural relationships and to reconnect all people back to good relations with the Earth.

Martin and his Family travel from their home land in North Bay. For information on their attendance seek at our News and reach out at Contact Us. 

 Oloja Bamidele Bajowa, wisdom keeper from Nigeria, Africa

HRH Oloja Bamidele Bajowa of Bajowa Village in Ondo State
Nigeria, Africa is a Yoruba Elder, High Chief (Ijama) and Babalawo who is globally renowned for his sharing of his Yoruba heritage through engaging ceremonies - a focus on honoring the ancestors, libations, lecture, natural medicines, musical presentations, Ifa divination and consultations.
Lecture topics include:
-Introduction to African Spirituality
-Orishas and the benefits of African Spirituality 
-Ancestors our closest allies
-Living a life of abundance
-'sacred intentions' as tools for ,problem solving,.
HRH Bamidele Bajowa’s current community development projects include:
-Yoruba House project in supporting and bringing awareness to the Yoruba heritage in the diaspora and in Africa.
-Club10society in support of women farmers and traders 
- FutureBrite play and learn centre in support of children’s education focused on technology, science and the arts.
 We are truly honoured to host Prince Bamidele, a wisdom keeper, who is traveling from Nigeria and staying at the SpiralGate of Art and Wellbeing for our summer Frog Hollow experience.
He will is our guest at the Storytelling Tipi, sharing the traditional Yoruba teachings and leading a spiritual ceremony. 
While at his stay, Prince Bamidele will be also available to the community for a private spiritual consultations and readings. Sessions coast: $100
All funds raised at this gatherings and private sessions will go towards his travels and in support to his community projects in Okitipupa, Nigeria.  

Scheduled upcoming visit and sessions with Bamidele: August 4th & 5th, 2024
to book your sessions contact: Biljana at: birthingstar@gmail.com 
For all other upcoming events and sessions with the “wisdom keepers” visit News on Home page or “Contact Us” to book your private or group sessions~
SpiralGate of Art and Wellbeing
18378 Highway 118, Tory Hill, ON 
 E-mail your attendance: birthingstar@gmail.com