



0 Featured Guests

 Mark Jenkins at the Storytelling Tipi  

 Mark has developed and implemented experiential learning programs for organizations worldwide. However, when his mother, Betty, began showing symptoms of Alzheimer's dementia, he took a break to spend quality time with her. Their time together became the start of a caregiving journey, which Mark calls "accompaniment."

Their days were filled with "outings" where Mark and his Mother explored nature's beauty, its flora and fauna, always ending up at a picnic spot. Despite his mother’s cognitive function loss, they choose the path of awe and wonder. Playfulness, imagination, beauty, and love were their guiding principles.

However, the journey was not without its challenges. Midway, Mark found himself at his limits in caring for his mother. He had to advocate fiercely to secure the support he needed to see her through to the end of her life. This experience has fueled Mark's dedication to helping others navigate the complexities of caregiving and find the support they need.  

Visit Mark’s home site: www.aboutcaring.ca 

SCHEDULED SESSION: September 7th 2024 from 1 to 2:30pm 

EVENT is by donation ~

 “To Care or Not to Long-Term Care”

“Facing complex choices regarding care for ourselves or loved ones is common. By tuning into our emotions, we can make sustainable decisions aligned with our feelings, avoiding unrealistic narratives. Embracing our caring journey without regret or burnout is key. The session encourages sharing experiences to gain wisdom and new perspectives.“
Many of us are currently grappling with this question, either for ourselves or our loved ones. Even if it's not a current concern, most of us will eventually confront these intricate and perplexing decisions.
There is a more effective process and direction available. By tuning into our emotions and innermost thoughts, we can adjust our decisions to match the level of care and empathy that is sustainable for us. We can also shape our narrative to resonate with our emotions, providing us with clarity and purpose. It's about not forcing our emotions into an overly altruistic or unrealistic narrative, nor crafting a tale that solely serves ourselves. There's no need for duty, obligation, or sheer willpower.
We can embark on our paths of caregiving in a manner that won't leave us with regrets. We have the ability to represent the divine and be absolved from our past, or mend our boundaries, fulfilling our destiny and aspirations. Attempting to straddle these two paths is painful and leads to burnout. This session is designed to help you discover the unique path meant for you.
Throughout this session, everyone will have the opportunity to share what they are comfortable and motivated to share. We will leverage the collective wisdom of each individual's life experiences and use brief stories to open our hearts and minds to fresh perspectives on the familiar.

 E-mail your attendance by Friday afternoon: birthingstar@gmail.com 

SpiralGate of Art and Wellbeing 

18378 Highway 118, Tory Hill, ON 
