



0 Drum Making & Painting Workshop

  • by Biljana
  • 06-04-2024

 Hand Drum Making Workshop 

September 22 from 1pm to 4pm

Please know this is a sacred gathering & work and I am truly honoured to have you be part of this creation and guide you at the flow of becoming a Drum carrier. There will be sharing of intro-cultural wisdom of this universal Drum Spirit & Songs during the building process. We will be working with White Tail Deer hide and round Ash hard-wood frames (for whom I am in collaboration with and prepared by First Nations) to fasten your Drum Spirit, these are the offerings:

Materials: All-inclusive.

Drum frame: 11/12 inch, Investment $250

Drum frame: 14/15 inch, Investment $280

Drum Frame 16/17 inch, Investment $300

Children's frame 8/9 inch, investment $120

After the creation of the Hand Drum, I am offering Drum Blessing/initiation Ceremony and Feasting for the Drum gathering (inclusive & optional) to follow and be held in my Tipi and in sacred pipe & smudge ceremony. 

To book and reserve your attendance consider investing half of the cost of the workshop so I may arrange and prepare the needed materials by September 14th.

For the one traveling, please know overnight Airbnb accommodation or camping is available.



Drum Painting Workshop 

For the one interested in painting their Spirit Drum, I offer private or group guided sessions. Investment: $150 for a hands on”, envisioning and in-structural painting. All materials are inclusive, bring your drum or purchase one made by the artist~

To book and reserve your private or group time contact Biljana: birthingstar@gmail.com