


  • 0 Workshops

    FEATHER FAN WORKSHOP     I am offering a sacred space and my guidance to explore the ‘wisdom of feathers’ and make a smudge fan or a smudge feather along the way. At this in-structural workshop you will be supported in the creation of your fan and more importantly learn about traditional and contemporary understandings of ‘meaning of feathers’; proper handling and care; understandings by diverse cultural awareness and also tune to your own intuitive cognitions with the nature of this offering.  All materials are inclusive, including feathers, natural hide & coloured, crystals, beads etc.. You are also welcome to bring you special feather or decorative element if you have some to include in your creation.   Duration of the workshop 2 hr.        Investment: $55   Meaning of Feathers The Meaning of Feathers plays an important role in the awareness of many cultures. Most understanding embodies the spiritual idea that all natural things within the universe, including birds have spirits forms. That spirit exist, not only in humans, but also in birds (they imprint their fluidal energy onto their feathers) and in animals, plants,  and all living beings. The doctrine is that everything is alive, and possesses an inherent virtue, power and wisdom. The generalized meaning of feathers signified honour & connected the carrier with the Creation and the bird whose feathers came from. Feathers are perceived as gifts from the sky, the sea and the trees. Feathers arrive unexpectedly, but not without purpose.   Birds were revered as bringers of messages and symbols of change and often symbolized light-hearted freedom, their feathers have many spiritual, ceremonial & ritual uses. Decorated feathers were sometimes attached to sacred objects and tools, in the ancient culture and traditions of First Nations the meaning of feathers are inextricably tied to the understanding that birds, as spirit guides, appear through different stages of life to a person, teaching and guiding them, and in some instances protecting them. The meaning of birds and their feathers are of great significance as they are considered to possess Creational energetic powers that can embody, attach and influence a person, empowering them with the powerful traits, attributes and characteristics of the bird.    At the duration of this workshop we will also discus meanings of birds and observe information of the significance of each bird’s attributes and symbolism. Also learn about the purpose, teachings and proper ways of ‘smudging’ and handling sacred objects.  All ages are invited to attend this fun feather crafting afternoon at SpirolGate of Art & Wellbeing by, Biljana Webb   STAINED GLASS WORKSHOP Educational hands on workshop with Whirling Wisdom Studio. At this experience you will be supported to envision and create your unique "element"-design out of stained glass. Example:  feather, leaf, star, mushroom, est. This is a "step by step"  instructional learning experience, all tools and materials are inclusive. You will be learning about glass, drawing and cutting, soldering and decorating your unique creation. Duration approximately 3hr.      Investment: $250 For private or group bookings reach Biljana at: birthingstar@gmail.com 

  • 0 Intuitive sessions

      Whirling Wisdom Intuitive Sessions with Biljana Webb By phone, virtual or in person, these individual or group sessions offer transformational tools and in-depth insights, that answer the deepest question of Human Evolution. Are you seeking counselling that will further enrich your life in purposeful ways? Or do you feel the calling of your Soul, longing for answers of higher truth, your Life’s Passion, and the Destiny of your Creative spark? Then be open….the answers are stalking you! Biljana, as a 'wisdom keeper,' can tune into the fibers of your essence and spin the Story of your presence. Be prepared to ask or simply open to the Wisdom being offered from your session's spark.  Biljana had been initiated to draw the energies and teachings from multi-dimensional planes of co-existence that awaken the Ancestral Knowledge and embody the collective light-working ways of the Ancient One. The reading will be channeled & reflected through the weaving of diverse divinity tools: Tarot; Oracles; Star Seeds, Sacred Path & Power Deck; Karma Cards, Plant Ocacles, Ancestors & Guides, etc.. For your records, she can assist you in finding your Maya and Aztec birth sign. As well as look into the Celtic ancient ways of working with the 'Wisdom of Trees, to reveal your mythical story. One of her favorite ways of teaching is to work on remembering and understanding our connection to Mother Earth and to all her creatures. With the help of Animal Allies, their medicines, plants, trees, and traditional teachings that have been passed down by many elders of the diverse indigenous nations, she opens new doorways of understanding for those who seek the Oneness of ALL Relations... The session will be graced by her Whirling Wisdom Visionary Art, which light will transport you into a vortex of geometrical & metaphysical ascending plane that will illuminate the seeds of your Higher Self & your relationship/understanding of the New Earth!  Individual Whirling Wisdom Sessions  INVESTMENT: 1-hour long session: $120 or 30min $70 YOU MAY CALL OR E-MAIL TO SCHEDULE IN PERSON, TELEPHONE, OR ViIRTUAL SESSION Ph.: 647. 518-5593 (Canada)  E-MAIL: birthingstar@gmail.com    

  • 0 Musicians

      Biljana Webb  Your Frog Hollow host & practising visionary artist, intuitive, sound healing and ceremony.  Working with Sound explorations for over 24 years in diverse modalities , mindful meditations and in intentional collaborative sound  experiences~ Offering private & group sound healing sessions and mentorship program. For Group SondBaths and Sound Ceremony experiences, please refer to upcoming news and Soundscapes page on this site. FEATURED GUEST MUSICIANS   Peruvian Elder and sound healer Tata PEPE MENDOZA LOLI Pepe Mendoza Loli is a musical alchemist who shares healing musical sounds with groups and individuals. Rooted in traditional modalities that he has been engaged with for decades, Pepe’s deep gratitude for the beauty and wonder of life is expressed in his work and play, which currently takes the form of musical offerings.  BACKGROUND Born and raised in the forest village of Pucalpa, Peru, Pepe first started to play music during his youthful travels around Peru and neighbouring countries of Ecuador, Columbia and Bolivia. He continued playing various pre-columbian flutes, first in Europe, and then around the world accompanying Japanese musician Kitaro san and his group giving Pepe a more expansive vision for the sonoric and musical potential of this art.  Pepe then spent some 20 years playing music in a variety of contexts for and with traditional communities in Mexico and first nations communities in the USA and across Canada. He then spent a few years in Europe visiting many countries, continuing to develop his own musical texture using a variety of hand-made instruments including some that he made himself.  Pepe returned to Canada and deepened his musical process doing sound healing with his unique form of MUNAY (heartfelt ) musical offerings. He continues to lovingly share his music with people and the natural surroundings.Visit PEPE’s home page at: www.pepemendozaloli.com  Meet Pepe at the upcoming Soundscape Performance, dates to be confirmed… Whiring Wisdom @ Divine Play STUDIO   Gaby Thibaudeau Gaby is traveling from Montreal to Frog Hollow with Pepe Mendoza Loli, for a collaborative Soundscape and offering a Karinding Workshop prior the Soundscape. Dtaes To be confirmed. For more information on Gaby and the workshop visit upcoming Home page News & Saundscapes Gaby Thibaudeau   Gaby has been playing percussion since she was a child attending a music-specialised school where she learned to play the xylophone.   As a teenager and young adult she focused on playing african hand drums. Later she joined a Japanese Taiko group before receiving a scholarship to study traditional Balinese percussion ( gamelan) at Indonesia's national art school ( ISI Denpasar) in 2008/09.  During her studies there, Gaby travelled to West-Java where she was initiated into tradtional Sundanese wisdom practices playing the Karinding and Cilempung in traditional ceremonial contexts which she continues to this day.   After returning to Canada, Gaby recorded an album with Pepe Mendoza Loli in 2012 entitled Suara Selva designed to bring wellbeing.   Pepe and Gaby have been playing music together for small gatherings ever since whenever Gaby is in town, as Indonesia has been her adopted home for the last 10 years.   In 2023 Pepe and Gaby recorded another album together entitled Munay Taki to bring joyfull healing to one and all.   More recently Pepe and Gaby have developed a new repertoire of musical compositions on a variety of rare instruments infused with the sacred spirit of nature's beauty.    CAMPBELL FOSTER Canadian Sonological Researcher Campbell Foster is a sound therapist, health and life coach, electronic music composer, performer, interactive systems designer, educator and inventor of two sound therapeutic instruments; the Electro-acoustic Sheet Metal Feedback Phone, and the CREATION SPIRIT MACHINE.Campbell studied Electronic Music with Anne Southam at the RCMT in 1975, and at York University to earn a special honours degree in Electronic Music, Composition and Computer Science.   Campbell was Music Director of Computer Music Research for Canada’s own Mcleyvier CMI (1982-86).  Campbell’s Sonological Research Directive is to discover and research the methods, aesthetics and results of Electro-acoustic and Computational Feedback Synthesis, connecting through performances, recordings, and videos.To interactively deliver and impart the Sonological Research concepts, methods, techniques and discoveries of Feedback Synthesis through a ‘Research Blog RS7’ https://campbellfoster.ca, sound & media works, field instrument installations, exhibits, lectures, and performances for the scientific, and aesthetic communities.  Currently developing a course on the feedback synthesis method,  and knowing the Energy of Creation.  Meet Campbell at the upcoming collaborative Saundscape events Whirling Wisdom @ Divine Play Studio David Guess who "hopped in"? David is playing old favourites on saxophone and clarinet in a relaxing free range jazzy style.  You may meet him at  the featured Tea Parties and other event happenings.   SpiralGate of Art and Wellbeing 18378 Highway 118, Tory Hill, ON   E-mail your attendance: birthingstar@gmail.com www.froghollowartexperience.com 

  • 0 Aerial Art

    Aerial Art Performance  Meet our “birthing stars” duo, Laura Hunt and Shashwananeka Lili Banchotova In a  “ RISE” tandem Silks Performances at Whirling Wisdom Art Studio. They are our ‘highlight’ at the enchanting our Tea Party’s special on June 2 from 1 to 3pm suggested donation: $22 adult and $5 child all funds raised will be invested towards upgrading equipment and keeping this art thriving~  Laura Hunt loves creative expression through music and dance. She grew up doing competitive gymnastics and cheer-leading. This naturally lead her into coaching for nearly ove a decade. She then discovered aerial silks and performed for many years with the Hamilton Aerial Group, again for over a decade, she states: “ My heart is very happy when I am flipping, twirling and teaching”!  Laura is the teacher of “Neka” who is 10 years of age now and performing together for two year, as an inspired duo ”The Vine Tribe” and your youngest host at Frog Hollow.   SpiralGate of Art and Wellbeing 18378 Highway 118, Tory Hill, ON   E-mail your attendance: birthingstar@gmail.com  www.froghollowarttour.com   

  • 0 Wisdom Keepers

        Biljana Webb is the Visionary Artist, Intuitive and Creative Founding Director at Whirling Wisdom Studio and Frog Hollow Art Experience. She is a certified lead artist educator from an establish artist program at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto. Who practices multidisciplinary art forms, Sound Healing & Ceremony. She offers diverse “hands on” skilled oriented art workshops” also private and group intuitive session; and leads in a mentorship programs for the one interested in pursuing Sound as Medicine.  For Intuitive Sessions & consultations visit “SERVICES’ page on this site. For Artist biography visit ‘Studio & Retreats’ page.      FEATURED GESTS:      Martin Millen~  Martin Millen is a First Nation Traditional Healer and Lodge Conductor. Martin come to Frog Hollow in 2023 in a collaborative initiative with Earth Dance Studio and Whirling Wisdom Studio for manifesting of the four sacred canvasses that present “Reconnecting to Nature Through Spiritual Teachings and Sacred Geometry of the Sweat Lodge”.The four 5’x5’  acrylic paintings are titled: “The Earth World”, “The Human World”, The Spirit World”, and “The Sky World”. These paintings, otherwise known as “sacred hoops”, are as a teaching tool to share Ojibway oral knowledge of the four races coming together at the sacred fire. We recognize this being the “8th Fire”. Each of the four races were given two gifts each. As humanity has reached a crossroad, we are asked to bring these eight gifts together to create One Great Nation. The gift of the Red Nation is to carry the Earth and Spirit knowledge. It is through the Sweat Lodge that the Red Standing People communicate this understanding. Martin is utilizing these paintings to communicate sacred knowledge, to develop cross-cultural relationships and to reconnect all people back to good relations with the Earth. Martin and his Family travel from their home land in North Bay. For information on their attendance seek at our News and reach out at Contact Us.   Oloja Bamidele Bajowa, wisdom keeper from Nigeria, Africa HRH Oloja Bamidele Bajowa of Bajowa Village in Ondo State Nigeria, Africa is a Yoruba Elder, High Chief (Ijama) and Babalawo who is globally renowned for his sharing of his Yoruba heritage through engaging ceremonies - a focus on honoring the ancestors, libations, lecture, natural medicines, musical presentations, Ifa divination and consultations. Lecture topics include: -Introduction to African Spirituality -Orishas and the benefits of African Spirituality  -Ancestors our closest allies -Living a life of abundance -'sacred intentions' as tools for ,problem solving,.   HRH Bamidele Bajowa’s current community development projects include: -Yoruba House project in supporting and bringing awareness to the Yoruba heritage in the diaspora and in Africa. -Club10society in support of women farmers and traders  - FutureBrite play and learn centre in support of children’s education focused on technology, science and the arts.    We are truly honoured to host Prince Bamidele, a wisdom keeper, who is traveling from Nigeria and staying at the SpiralGate of Art and Wellbeing for our summer Frog Hollow experience. He will is our guest at the Storytelling Tipi, sharing the traditional Yoruba teachings and leading a spiritual ceremony.  While at his stay, Prince Bamidele will be also available to the community for a private spiritual consultations and readings. Sessions coast: $100 All funds raised at this gatherings and private sessions will go towards his travels and in support to his community projects in Okitipupa, Nigeria.  Scheduled upcoming visit and sessions with Bamidele: August 4th & 5th, 2024to book your sessions contact: Biljana at: birthingstar@gmail.com    For all other upcoming events and sessions with the “wisdom keepers” visit News on Home page or “Contact Us” to book your private or group sessions~   SpiralGate of Art and Wellbeing 18378 Highway 118, Tory Hill, ON   E-mail your attendance: birthingstar@gmail.com  www.froghollowartexperience.com   

  • 0 Featured Guests

     Mark Jenkins at the Storytelling Tipi    Mark has developed and implemented experiential learning programs for organizations worldwide. However, when his mother, Betty, began showing symptoms of Alzheimer's dementia, he took a break to spend quality time with her. Their time together became the start of a caregiving journey, which Mark calls "accompaniment." Their days were filled with "outings" where Mark and his Mother explored nature's beauty, its flora and fauna, always ending up at a picnic spot. Despite his mother’s cognitive function loss, they choose the path of awe and wonder. Playfulness, imagination, beauty, and love were their guiding principles. However, the journey was not without its challenges. Midway, Mark found himself at his limits in caring for his mother. He had to advocate fiercely to secure the support he needed to see her through to the end of her life. This experience has fueled Mark's dedication to helping others navigate the complexities of caregiving and find the support they need.  Visit Mark’s home site: www.aboutcaring.ca  SCHEDULED SESSION: September 7th 2024 from 1 to 2:30pm  EVENT is by donation ~  “To Care or Not to Long-Term Care” Summary:  “Facing complex choices regarding care for ourselves or loved ones is common. By tuning into our emotions, we can make sustainable decisions aligned with our feelings, avoiding unrealistic narratives. Embracing our caring journey without regret or burnout is key. The session encourages sharing experiences to gain wisdom and new perspectives.“   Invitation: Many of us are currently grappling with this question, either for ourselves or our loved ones. Even if it's not a current concern, most of us will eventually confront these intricate and perplexing decisions. There is a more effective process and direction available. By tuning into our emotions and innermost thoughts, we can adjust our decisions to match the level of care and empathy that is sustainable for us. We can also shape our narrative to resonate with our emotions, providing us with clarity and purpose. It's about not forcing our emotions into an overly altruistic or unrealistic narrative, nor crafting a tale that solely serves ourselves. There's no need for duty, obligation, or sheer willpower. We can embark on our paths of caregiving in a manner that won't leave us with regrets. We have the ability to represent the divine and be absolved from our past, or mend our boundaries, fulfilling our destiny and aspirations. Attempting to straddle these two paths is painful and leads to burnout. This session is designed to help you discover the unique path meant for you. Throughout this session, everyone will have the opportunity to share what they are comfortable and motivated to share. We will leverage the collective wisdom of each individual's life experiences and use brief stories to open our hearts and minds to fresh perspectives on the familiar.  E-mail your attendance by Friday afternoon: birthingstar@gmail.com  SpiralGate of Art and Wellbeing  18378 Highway 118, Tory Hill, ON   www.froghollowartexperience.com